Soft tissue procedure: ruptured quadriceps tendon
A 62 year old diabetic male
presented to us with sudden onset severe pain in left knee while getting up
from floor. He was already under treatment for early osteoarthritis knee. Now,
there was sudden swelling around knee region with ecchymosis, inability to
actively extend left knee and palpable gap just above the patella. X ray and
mri confirmed there was complete tear of quadriceps tendon near its insertion
on patella. Patient was kept in knee brace for 5 days to allow the swelling to
decrease. Plan for repair was made. Anterior midline incision was used and torn
tendon exposed. The tendon end s showed degeneration with no significant
remnant attached to patella. The ruptured end was debrided and woven with a strong
non absorbable suture. Tunnels were drilled trough patella longitudinally. A
high speed burr was used to make a trough in proximal part of patella to allow
the seating of quadriceps tendon. The tendon end was then tightened to the
patella. The knee was moved through its entire range and strength of repair
checked. Wound was closed in layers and knee brace was given. Weight bearing
was allowed next post op day in knee brace. Knee bending passively was started
after 2 weeks and actively after 6 weeks.