INFECTION: acute osteomyelitis humerus with abscess
35 yr young male with
uncontrolled diabetes and alcoholism, presented with history of swelling left
arm for last 10 days. There was severe pain, redness and the swelling was
gradually extending upto forearm region. However, there was no history of
trauma or fever. The patient gave history of getting immunized for hepatitis B
vaccine in the same arm. X ray of humerus was apparently normal. Blood
investigations showed increased total leucocyte count with granulocytosis. The
ESR and CRP were markedly elevated. MRI of the arm and forearm confirmed presence
of acute osteomyelitis of humerus with abscess formation in medial aspect of
arm and cellulitis in forearm. The patient was taken to operation theatre and
incision and drainage was done using anterolateral approach. Approximately 250
ml of thick pus was drained and samples were taken for gram stain and culture
sensitivity. The wound was thoroughly washed and drill holes were drilled in
bone. Pus came from inside bone too. The holes were enlarged to from a cortical
window and the bone canal was thoroughly washed.